Preparing for 2023

Preparing for 2023

Setting spiritual goals for the new year can be a great way to maintain a focus on your spiritual growth and development. To get spiritually ready for the new year, start by reflecting on the past year and taking note of what areas of your spiritual life you want to focus on in the coming year. Then, come up with realistic goals to help you focus your efforts, such as committing to reading a certain amount of scripture each day or joining a Bible study group. Additionally, make sure to set aside time for prayer and meditation on a regular basis to help you stay connected to your faith. Finally, don’t forget to take time to relax and enjoy the presence of God in your life. With these tips, you'll be sure to have a spiritually fulfilling new year!
Amethyst: What it is Good for and How To Use it.

Amethyst: What it is Good for and How To Use it.

AMETHYST Amethyst is a powerful crystal that has a range of spiritual properties. It is associated with enhancing intuition and psychic awareness. It can help you to open up to the spiritual realms and heighten spiritual awareness and connection. It is believed to be a stone of protection, helping to protect from negative energies, and to provide a shield from psychic attack. It can also be used to aid in meditation, as it is believed to help to bring a deep sense of peace and tranquility. Birthstone: February, March, December  Chakra: Crown, also beneficial for Brow Tarot Card: Empress, Temperance  Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius To use amethyst for spiritual purposes, you can carry a small piece of amethyst with you or place it in an area of your home that you would like to bring good energy to. You can also use amethyst in crystal healing practices, such as meditating with it or placing it on various parts of your body. Caution: Amethyst can be over stimulating. This may not be the best crystal for hyperactive people. Also, be cautious giving this crystal to small children unless they suffer from allergies, addictions or are lethargic.  Amethyst is known as the sobriety stone, and is often given to addicts to help them quell the desire of their addiction. Its name comes from the Greek meaning "not to be intoxicated. In ancient time, Amethyst was known as a detoxer and wine gobblers were made of amethyst so that watered wine appeared better. Roman Catholic bishop's often times wore Amethyst to Symbolize ecclesiastical divinity.  No matter how you choose to use amethyst, it is sure to bring positive energy and good vibes into your life.
Manifest the Life You Desire

Manifest the Life You Desire

Manifestation is a powerful practice that can be used to manifest your desired outcomes and goals. Here are some best practices for manifesting: Get clear on what you want: The first step in manifesting is to get clear on exactly what you want. Take some time to think about what you want to manifest and articulate it in a clear and concise way. Believe you can manifest it: Belief is a key ingredient in manifesting your desired outcome. Believe that you have the power to manifest your goals and that they are achievable. Visualize your goal: Visualization is a powerful way to manifest your goals. Spend time each day visualizing your desired outcome as if it has already happened. Take action: Taking action is essential to manifesting your desired outcome. Take small steps each day that will move you closer to your goal. Let go of attachment to the outcome: Let go of the need to control the outcome and trust that the Universe will take care of the details. Good luck on your journey to manifesting your desired outcome!
My Top 5 Ways to Cleanse Crystals

My Top 5 Ways to Cleanse Crystals

Cleansing crystals is an important part of using and caring for them. This is because crystals naturally absorb energy, both positive and negative, which can impact their effectiveness in healing and other uses. Here are some best practices for cleansing crystals: Use the power of the sun: Direct sunlight can be a powerful way to cleanse crystals. Simply set your crystal in the sun for a few hours and the sun’s energy will absorb any negative energy it has taken on. Use the power of the moon: The moon has a calming and cleansing energy that can be used to cleanse crystals. Place your crystal in a bowl of water and set it outside during the full moon or a new moon. Allow the moon’s energy to soak into the crystal overnight. Use the power of sound: Sound can be used to cleanse crystals. Singing bowls, bells, or other instruments can be used to create vibrations that can help to remove negative energy from crystals. Use the power of plants: Certain plants have cleansing energies that can be used to cleanse crystals. Sage, lavender, and sweetgrass are all plants that can be used to cleanse crystals. Simply light the plant over a bowl and allow the smoke to cleanse the crystal. Use the power of the Earth: You can also use the power of the Earth to cleanse crystals. Burying your crystal in the ground or placing it in a river or stream can help it absorb the energy of the Earth, which will help to remove any negative energy it has taken on. These are just a few of the best practices for cleansing crystals. However, it’s important to remember that the best practice for cleansing crystals is the one that resonates with you. So find the method that works best for you and your crystals and use it regularly to keep them clean and energized.
Spiritual and Life Must Reads

Spiritual and Life Must Reads

We all are searching for clarity about life, love, spirituality and much more. During my journey I've read many books that have helped me to better understand myself and the world around me. This list is a good starting point in exploring yourself and the world around you.  BOOKS The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho The Celestine Prophecy - James Redfield  The Mountain is YOU - Brianna Wiest  Witch - Lisa Lister  Sacred Woman- Queen Afua  Mastering the Present Moment - Dr. Wanye Dyer Becoming - Michelle Obama  The Custodians - Dolores Cannon  The Convoluted Universe Book One, Two, Three, Four & Five - Dolores Cannon  I Can See Clearly Now - Dr. Wanye Dyer  The Power Of Intention - Dr Wanye Dyer  Wishes Fulfilled - Dr Wanye Dyer  The Moses Code - James F Twyman  Unlock Your Subconscious Mind - Joseph Dispenza  Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter - Curtis '50 Cent' Jackson  Becoming Supernatural - Joe Dispenza  Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth - Dolores Cannon  The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay  I will be updating this list regularly as I continue my journey towards self discovery.