Sodalite Freeform
Sodalite Freeform
Sodalite Freeform
Sodalite Freeform
Sodalite Freeform
Sodalite Freeform
Sodalite Freeform
Sodalite Freeform
Sodalite Freeform

Crystal Pisces Studios

Sodalite Freeform

Sale price$20.00

Chakra: Brow

Supports: balance, clarity, community purpose, companionship, compatibility, comprehension, concentration, direction of purpose, expression, fellowship, intelligence, knowledge, learning, light-heartedness, logic, mental functioning, and emotional healing, mutual dependence, perception, proficiency, rationality, self-esteem, self trust, solidarity, stimulating thought, trust, truthfulness, unemotional efficiency, wisdom bridge between conscious and sub conscious. Access and understand universal law, consciousness, higher knowledge, intuition. Prevents: anger, anxiety, confusion, fear, doubt , guilt, nervousness, repression and stress, even in the subconscious

Please consult with a doctor, crystals are not a substitute for medical advice.